By registering to attend a Frazzled Cafe you are hereby also agreeing to the
following Terms & Conditions:
1. You agree to adhere to the the
Frazzled Cafe Guidelines
2. You commit to showing respect and courtesy at all times to other Attendees.
3. You certify that you and anyone you may bring with you are 18 years of age
or older
4. You may not disclose (save with the prior consent of the Attendee(s)
concerned), any names or personal details of Frazzled Cafe Attendees, or the
specifics of any Conversations that take place during a Frazzled Cafe session.
5. You accept that Frazzled Cafe, its Organisers or its affiliates are not
responsible for any distress or discomfort any Conversations you take part in
or overhear during Frazzled Cafe Events may cause you.
6. Frazzled Cafes are run on a not-for-profit basis and you therefore agree
that you will not be remunerated for any organisational or other
responsibilities you may partake in unless otherwise agreed in writing with
Frazzled Cafe management.
7. You will not make any postings which are unrelated to the Frazzled Cafe to
the Frazzled Cafe Website or social media accounts, or use Frazzled Cafe
Events to distribute any material (oral or in writing) that would constitute
an advertisement, chain letter, pyramid scheme or any other form of
8. Neither the Frazzled Cafe nor its Affiliates are responsible for the
content, accuracy or validity of the views and opinions which are shared by
Attendees of Frazzled Cafe Events. [These reflect solely the views of the
individual from whom they are expressed.]
9. You agree that you will not, nor will you cause others to:
Create websites, message groups, blogs or social media accounts with
Frazzled Cafe in the title or representing the Frazzled Cafe brand. [It is
fine to include a link to the official Frazzled Cafe website and/or social
media on your personal blog, Facebook or Twitter]
Use the name ‘Frazzled Cafe’ for events that are not organised by Frazzled
Cafe or it’s affiliates without express written consent
- Speak to the Media as a representative of Frazzled Cafe.
Produce materials or merchandise using the name “Frazzled Cafe” or
purporting to represent Frazzled Cafe without express written consent.
10. Frazzled Cafe accepts no responsibility for content or conversations that
happen outside of Frazzled Cafe meetings or between attendees (including, but
limited to, email conversations, social media chat forums, or WhatsApp
11. You agree that you will not carry out or encourage conduct that (i)
constitutes a criminal offence under any criminal statute in the UK or in any
other jurisdiction (ii) gives rise to civil liability of any kind, (iii) is
otherwise contrary to the law of any jurisdiction or (iv) infringes the rights
of third parties.
13. You agree that you will not use a Frazzled Cafe Event to intentionally
make comments that are or are likely to be, discriminatory, hateful, false,
inaccurate, threatening, defamatory, abusive, obscene, indecent, seditious,
offensive, pornographic, harassing, profane, sexually oriented, invasive of a
person’s privacy, liable to incite racial hatred, menacing, scandalous,
inflammatory, blasphemous, in breach of confidence, or which otherwise
constitute a breach of any relevant law.
14. We reserve the right to refuse entry to any Frazzled Cafe Event, and to
ask anyone at any time and for any reason to not attend or return to our
meetings or services either for a set time or in perpetuity.
13. You agree to indemnify the Frazzled Cafe and its Affiliates for any Loss
it suffers [and hold Frazzled Cafe harmless] from any breach of these terms
and conditions.