
100 Mindfulness Meditations: The Ultimate Collection of Inspiring Daily Practices.

Published by Neil Seligman, 19 July 2016

About this book:

Prepare to be accompanied with skill and care on a peaceful journey through delightfully novel and endearing mindfulness practices, at your own pace, and in an order of your choosing. Inside this book you will find 100 precisely described meditations, activities and games to help you learn mindfulness skills, integrate them in daily life, and share them with others.

The book is organised into three parts: Foundations for Mindfulness Practice, Applying Mindfulness in Daily Life, and Advanced Practices. Together they build a thorough compendium of mindfulness meditations that enhance creativity, build happiness joy and compassion, reduce stress and anxiety, and nurture inner calm. Whether you are a mindfulness beginner, enthusiast, expert or teacher, this little book will soon become your trusted companion.

About the author:

Neil Seligman is a leading international expert in Mindfulness, Resilience, Conscious Leadership and Corporate Wellbeing. He is the Founder of The Conscious Professional and the Author of Conscious Leadership and 100 Mindfulness Meditations.